Name Used: Here I am pretty consistent, as I use the same name across
the board. Except on this blog where I just my first name. There may be problems with my name as there is at least one lady in the States and
another in Britain with my exact name (minus the middle name, which I
really don't use my name is long enough as it is!). (see below for further elaboration)
Photograph: The pictures I use are current pictures of me that I took in the Spring. They are a professional and I quite liked how it turned out :) I do not use my picture on all web tools as I feel that I do not need to. If someone wants to see a picture of me it is available through Linked-In easily enough, which I link to where I can.
Professional/Personal Id: These I intend to keep separate. My Facebook
account is just for fun. Though I have many library school friends on FB and we do talk library stuff :) My Linkedin account and Blogging are for
professional. Intermingling my personality and likes into the later is
of course intended but I prefer to keep some things private. I rarely
write anything personal on FB anyways either. It's more of a quick see
what going on with friends link.
Visual Brand: Well at the moment I only have these 3 things going on and
they all have their own interface design. However, I take note of the
great tip by those running CPD23 to keep everything related and
consistent. Thanks!
-- I am recently working on an ePortfolio and am continuing to incorporate a similar design and color to keep it consistent with one another.
Activity: Well I did this one a while ago to see what I would come up
with. This is how I found out about the lady in Britain with my name! I
knew about the lady from the States through FB, I was trying to find
myself for a friend on FB to become friends and could not (my security settings were really
high!) and I found this lady who obviously wasn't me. Which could
definitely be confusing for those trying to find me! The first page of
results on my Google search found my Linkedin and FB info and even a
poster for a presentation I was in 3 years ago for my Undergrad. Though there were the other 2 ladies mentioned as well, problematic
indeed. Thankfully, they are in other occupations and countries so the
confusion isn't too great...unless you didn't know anything about
me..hmm, something to work on!
Thing 3: Consider your personal brand
Monday, 11 June 2012
Posted in: Brands, CPD23, Thing 3 | 0 Comments | Email This
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